Consulting Services

Build a consulting package that works best for your campus

Mental Health Strategy Consulting

Using the foundations mentioned below, Gracious Kintsugi will work with a planning team on your campus to assess needs and put forward actionable strategies for your campus. These could include: support of your counseling center staff; empowering the entire campus community through campaigns and training; application to overall student wellness; and impacts of care teams and student conduct processes that support student retention.

Staff/Faculty Training

Training to empower and educate campus non-clinicians in recognizing signs of becoming unwell and having supportive conversations with students. Thus, creating a confident support network of staff and faculty who show their care to students.

Student Presentation

Applying mental health literacy in a language that students identify with and can use to watch out for their own wellbeing and that of their peers. This can be at orientation, success series, or focused on specific student leaders.